A number of websites about Exalted created and maintained by White Wolf.
White-Wolf's Exalted Homepage - The official Exalted website.
White-Wolf's Official Exalted Forum - The official White Wolf Exalted Forum.
Ink Monkeys Blog - The forum of the freelance Whitewolf group Ink Monkeys. They provide loads of custom charms.
The Official Exalted Wiki - The official Exalted wiki.
The Unofficial Exalted Wiki - The original Exalted wiki - with fan-made content and discussion
Fanaat - The place of the gaming society we have (most) our Exalted campaigns (dutch)
Bellettrie - A Student Library, on the same place as the gaming society (dutch)
Konnichiwa - The Anime Club, part of the Bellettrie (dutch)