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Pre fight! this would be the second session with the exalted noobs (yes, including you [[Stuiter]] ;) ;) ) the first session in which they'd have combat and I am wondering how adept they are at stunting since most of them are accosted to d&d-like roleplaying and battles. they will meet another important NPC for the first time and let's see how she will play out. 3 2 1 FIGHT! I had them enter the dawn portal first, everyone is still fresh at the beginning of the evening and will learn more (or something), and I was suprised that some of them came up with some good stunts. they fought some brass legionares and a leader one with the daiklave of [[Barduk]] . They defeated them, ofcourse without many resources lost and they learned the fighting system with ticks. sometimes I and sandra gave some advice but combat went pretty smootly. after 2 hours combat was finished and they entered the night portal, they came in the west on a few pillars in the sea, with a big pillar containing a chest. sjonnie char jumped with monkey leap inmiddiately to the big pillar, while others couldnt even jump to the small pillars, which led to the big one. since it was a night caste test there were some traps and [[Barduk]] fell into a trapdoor on the pillar and was flushed down with a wet suit and a big word: FAILURE in old realm. [[Virgil Tracy]] evaded the traps and was able to jump some pillars in contrary to others. He opened the chest and found his artifacts and ofcourse some resources and like all other rooms a key. The eclipse portal was locked and searching for essence patterns they found them leading to a place where they could put their newfound keys in and the portal opened, since they didn't reach the north yet, they arrived in the cold north near a big mansion which seemed inhabited by at least 5 people. They were met by an old servant and invited to stay over, they were introduced to [[Blackedge]] and [[Lady Kist]], which had found some nice things in the eclipse manse, our eclipse cast's artifacts and a version of black and white treatise with basic sorcery and necromancy. After a sneaky night by Virgil in which [[Lady Kist]] supposedly knew Virgil was out of his room, he found nothing. They talked to [[Lady Kist]] and had an offer, to kill a curse on a village by incapacitating the leaders of the village in (no killing necessary if that is possible) in the kingdom of [[Seven Dale]] in the hundred kingdoms, in exchange for the artifacts and resources 5. the characters agreed on this and after [[Lady Kist]] revealed knowledge that Docjeni was an eclipse cast they sealed the business. The wounds The players are all screwed and will all die, they just don't know this yet;);) Its a pity but tom told us after the session he couldn't be attending our sessions anymore, he is sleepy and didn't have the creativity to play a character very well in his opinion This isn't bad but not cool ;), since I have to find another player. Further more the combat went good enough and I am looking forward to another session.